5 Simple Tips to Take Charge in the Bedroom. December 31, 2020Power As An Aphrodisiac By Madi Murphy Know what you want. Driven by desire, Capricorn ferocious drive and ambition can translate to helping you get what you want- what...
Crown Chakra ⚡️ A SELF CARE GUIDE December 30, 2020By Madi Murphy What is a chakra: There are traditionally seven (but we will go over 8!) chakras within the body, running from the base of the spine all the...
Is Friday the 13th cursed? November 13, 2020Lol, no. Before patriarchal times, Friday the 13th was the day of the goddess. It was a powerful day to manifest, celebrate creativity, honor beauty, cultivate wisdom and call in...
How every sign can benefit from scorpio season magic November 4, 2020Claim your scorpio season gifts of transformation, depth and sensuality! Themes: death, rebirth, transformation, release, sensuality, shadow, Perceptive Intuitive, Determined, Intense, Artistic, Sensual, Mysterious, Powerful, Loyal A bit about Scorpio...
Self Care Tips for Activists When You Feel Yourself Burning Out October 19, 2020SACRED ACTIVISM: Combining Spirituality, Self Care x Social Justice A spirituality that is only private and self-absorbed, one devoid of an authentic political and social consciousness, does little to halt...
New Moon in Virgo September 14, 2020HEALTH IS WEALTH, BABY This is the time in the lunar calendar when the spotlight shines on health, diet, fitness, and cleanliness. As an earth sign, Virgo not only helps...